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Join our monthly membership program:
Predictive Astrology Apprentice

Open Enrollment - Join Today!


What Students Are Saying: 


"I love this course and I think you're doing a wonderful job with it. You are prompt and thorough in answering questions and you teach in a way that makes sense. The "describe this mystery person's traits/values" challenges are extra helpful for me .I love being a student in your apprenticeship program!


"I love the classes and the quizzes! It has helped me a lot in getting deeper into learning the principles and techniques to find answers in the charts."


"Thank you very much for providing such great program, which keeps me motivated to study. I always enjoy challenging weekly quiz questions (I have never got bored.) and experiencing lots of aha moments during watching the live class recordings.  


"It has been a great 3 months. As the weeks goes by and the numerous exercices offered I made real progress. That was exactly the type of apprenticeship which I needed. My confidence increased greatly. You always answered my question quickly when asked and I appreciate your availability for that. So that course is of great value for me. 


"I am loving the program and your insights, thank you so much for the opportunity!"


"Thank you so much for this remarkable course. I feel greatly enriched by having participated and I've jumped leaps and bounds in my jyotish just by listening to the way you think things through. As a student I also feel very supported by the thoughtful way you designed and taught the course, and by your generosity and kindness to all of us." 


"You are very clear in your teaching.  Your analysis format is very consistent with the ACVA step by step approach to analyzing a chart.  The quizzes are excellent for developing broader analytical thinking.  It is easy to know the event and find the chart influences causing the event.  Your quizzes force a (Zen) beginner’s mind starting position.  That’s how a student better learns a subject with depth."


"After three months of the course, I am still very happy to be there. I have already learned a lot. The atmosphere in the course and in the chat is also very good. So thanks a lot Paul, I am happy to be part of this course. I always feel especially alive among like-minded people."

What you'll get:

  • Two live classes per month: 
    1) A masterclass on a new topic relevant to our study.
    2) A tutorial class, which takes you step-by-step through chart interpretation skills analyzing personality traits, and predictive skills analyzing events.
    Each class includes time for Q&A.
  • A quarterly tutorial class on Birth Time Rectification, taking you step-by-step to the exact birth time using multiple divisional charts.
  • Access to all previous class recordings, which are available the same day as the live class.
  • Weekly Challenges which is an opportunity to stretch our knowledge and skill level weekly with each unique puzzle to solve. 
  • A supportive community experience where you can ask questions, leave comments, and interact with other members 24/7. 

What You'll Learn: 

  • You'll primarily learn the methods taught by Shri K.N. Rao, my Jyotish guru, who's one of the world's most renowned predictive astrologers: Pac-Dares method, Composite method using multiple dashas especially Jaimini, Double Transit method, Divisional Chart centered methods, etc.  
  • You'll accelerate your learning through the practical experience of analyzing charts and an immersion into Jyotish, which is like learning a language. We learn best through repetition and consistency with frequent opportunities to get our questions answered. 
  • You'll learn secrets and insights I've acquired through 31 years of experience giving readings, many of which I've not shared anywhere. 

The next opportunity to join ends on September 10th! 
Sign up today for $49 per month  

  • By signing up at the annual rate of $490 (only $40.83/month) you'll receive two free months, plus an additional 10% off all future webinars and courses. 

Uplevel your predictive skills

Predictive Astrology Apprentice
- Monthly Plan -



What You'll Get:

  • Two live classes per month: 
    1) A masterclass on a new topic.
    2) A tutorial class taking you step-by-step through chart interpretation and prediction. 
  • A quarterly class on Birth Time Rectification.
  • Access to all previous class recordings. 
  • Weekly challenges analyzing a new chart or learning a new skill.
  • Weekly Q&A Live Meetup
  • A supportive community experience where you can ask questions, leave comments, and interact with other members 24/7.

Predictive Astrology Apprentice
- Annual Plan -


What You'll Get:

  • 10% off all future webinars and courses.  
  • Two live classes per month: 
    1) A masterclass on a new topic.
    2) A tutorial class taking you step-by-step through chart interpretation and prediction. 
  • A quarterly class on Birth Time Rectification.
  • Access to all previous class recordings. 
  • Weekly challenges analyzing a new chart or learning a new skill.
  • Weekly Q&A Live Meetup
  • A supportive community experience where you can ask questions, leave comments, and interact with other members 24/7.

Frequently Asked Questions

I look forward to seeing you there! 

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