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The Sidereal vs. Tropical Debate all articles basic astrology technical principles

By Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. 

It’s important to clearly understand the difference between the two primary systems of astrology in use today:  the Vedic or sidereal, and the Western or tropical. Without this understanding it’s easy to think that one system is superior or...

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Intro to Vedic Astrology: A Living Tradition all articles basic astrology most popular

By Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. 


Vedic astrology is the traditional astrology of India and is some 4000-5000 years old. This is no fly by night tradition! In fact, the remarkable thing is that it’s a living tradition. If...

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Jyotish Star Interview with Vaughn Paul all articles basic astrology interviews

 Juliana Swanson for the Jyotish Star Newsletter: How did you become interested in Vedic astrology?

Vaughn Paul: My journey with Vedic astrology began with an unexpected phone call in May 1991. I was teaching at an elementary school in Seattle, Washington, living in a yoga ashram, and...

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Ethical Considerations in Astrology all articles basic astrology

Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A.


Recently I was asked by a student about Do’s and Dont’s when giving an astrology reading. So, here’s a few key ideas that come to mind in response:

The main point is to have the primary motive of being of...

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The Power of Synchronicities and Omens all articles basic astrology published articles

This article appeared in Zento Magazine, Spring 2004
Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. 

What’s in a cloud? It may be a lot more than just fluff. Many cultures around the world, both ancient and modern, have believed in signs and omens as a source of valuable information about life. To the native...

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The Significance Of The Mystical Number 108 all articles basic astrology remedial measures

By Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. 

Have you ever wondered why a typical beaded necklace from the East, called a mala, is always strung with 108 beads? You’ll find this to be the case not only in Hindu traditions but also Buddhist, Sikh, Jain and virtually any tradition that has its roots in...

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Vedic Astrology as a Spiritual Practice all articles basic astrology remedial measures

By K.N. Rao

A few months before he took mahasamadhi (a yogi’s conscious death) the great yogi, Devaraha Baba, had told a friend-astrologer:

Every great and true mahatma (great soul) I have met, has called it both sacred and a vidya… I have referred in my...

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