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K.N. Rao Interview: The Value of Research all articles interviews most popular published articles

This interview appeared in Journal of Astrology - July/Aug 2010

Sri K.N. Rao, is widely considered to be one of the foremost Vedic astrologers in the world today. He is the founder of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s school of astrology in New Delhi, India, which is a two year course...

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Jyotish Star Interview with Vaughn Paul all articles basic astrology interviews

 Juliana Swanson for the Jyotish Star Newsletter: How did you become interested in Vedic astrology?

Vaughn Paul: My journey with Vedic astrology began with an unexpected phone call in May 1991. I was teaching at an elementary school in Seattle, Washington, living in a yoga ashram, and...

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Interview with K.N. Rao: Conversations with an Eminent Vedic Astrologer all articles interviews jaimini most popular

reprinted with permission from K.N. Rao & interviewer Maalok
originally published May 30, 2005 by sulekha

Sri K.N. Rao, is widely considered to be one of the foremost Vedic astrologers in the world today. He is the architect of a great astrological renaissance, and founder of...

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The Largest Astrology School in the World all articles interviews published articles

This article appeared in Journal of Astrology – Winter 2004 issue
Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. 


Learning astrology is usually a private hobby, or for some – a private obsession. Once you’ve learned enough to realize that...

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Interview 1 with Vaughn Paul Manley on KRS Channel all videos interviews vaughn paul videos

The first time Vaughn Paul is interviewed by Kapiel Raaj on KRS channel.  


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Interview 2 with Vaughn Paul Manley on KRS Channel all videos interviews vaughn paul videos

The second time Vaughn Paul is interviewed by Kapiel Raaj on KRS channel.  

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Marc Boney Interview on KRS Channel all videos case studies interviews marc boney videos technical principles

Learn from this informative interview with Marc Boney by Kapiel Raaj on KRS Channel. 

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